Making a Change

It's been a long time since my last post, mostly because I have become so immersed with wedding planning. It honestly has taken over much of my free time, which leads to less and less free time for knitting and sewing. So after a long time of not really making anything and feeling rather glum about it, I have decided to make a change. 

I have decided to begin not only filling custom orders, but to also sell items that I have made on my Etsy page! 

Fabric has been ordered, patterns have been printed, and work has begun! I will hopefully have several things available to purchase very soon! 

I have also created an official webpage to promote my business. 
Please visit my webpage and leave comments, share, and like! Also, if anyone has any suggestions on what they would be looking to purchase that I could provide, please let me know!! 

Thank you all for your support thus far! You are all seriously the best! 


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